Senin, 05 April 2010

EBC ke 2


The Noun Phrase is a group of words that ends with anoun. It can contain determiners (the, a, this, etc.), adjectives, adverbs, and nouns. It cannot begin with a preposition. Remember that both subjects and complements are generally noun phrase.

NOUN in order two part : COUNT AND NON-COUNT NOUNS

COUNT : A Count Nouns is one that can be counted

Example : Book - one book, two books, three books

Person - one person, two people, three people

Pen - one pen, two pen

NON-COUNT : A non-count is one that cannot be counted

Example : Milk – you cannot say : one milk, two milk

Sugar – you cannot say : one sugar

Hair – you cannot say : one hair, two hairs


The Modal auxiliaries have a number of different meanings. They are generally used to indicated something which is potential or uncertain

The Modals include :

1. Will

Ex :They will come here on time

2. Would

Ex : Jane would like to leave

3. Could

Ex : She could climb when she wa still young.

4. Can

Ex : He can play the pino.

5. May

Ex : He may get a raise.

6. Might

Ex : She might get a rise in his salary. (possibility)

7. Should/ought to

Ex : Students ought to/should study regularly.

8. Must

Ex : You must study tonight.



Adverb (kata keterangan/tambahan) adalah kata yang dipakai untuk menerangkan bagian dari tata bahasa yang mana saja kecuali kata benda dan kata ganti.

a) Adverb menerangkan kata kerja

Contoh: She speaks English fluently.

b) Adverb menerangkan kata sifat

Contoh: It’s now too hot to play tennis.

c) Adverb menerangkan kata adverb lainnya

Contoh: She sings very well.

d) Adverb menerangkan kata depan

Contoh: The cat was sitting almost outside the door.

e) Adverb menerangkan kata sambung

Contoh: I want to know precisely how the accident happened.

Adverb dapat menerangkan bukan saja kata-kata yang terpisah tetapi juga sebuah kalimat asertif (yaitu kalimat yang hanya menegaskan atau menyangkal sesuatu). Dalam hal ini adverb harus ditempatkan di posisi awal kalimat.

Contoh: Evidently your success depends chiefly on yourself.

Adverb dibagi kedalam tiga golongan :

  1. Simple adverb
  2. Interrogative adverb
  3. Relative adverb


Adjectives fall into two categories : descriptive and limiting. Descriptive adjectives are those which describe the color, size, or quality of a person or thing (noun or pronoun). Limiting adjectives place restrictions on the words the modify (quantity, distance, possession, etc.)










ORDINAL NUMBER (first, second)

POSSESSIVES (my, your, his)

DEMONSTRATIVES (this, that, these, those)

QUANTITY (few, many, much)

ARTICLES (a, an, the)

Example : a pretty girl

an interesting story

the red dress


The modals will, would, can, and could often appear in conditional sentences. Usually conditional sentences contain the word if. There are two types of conditionals : the reaal and the unreal. The real as it is sometomes called, is used when the speaker expresses an action or situation which usually occurs, or will occur if the circumstances in the main clause are met.


Example : - If I have the money, I will buy a new car

- Bryan usually walks to Campus if he has enough time

- Please call me if you hear from Erick


Example : - He would tell you about it if he were here

- If we hadn’t lost our way, we would have arrived sooner

- If she had seen the movie, she would tell you

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